Welcome to my Portofolio!

Senior Front-end Engineer with 5+ years of experience in web applications using React, Next.js and React Native Eager to learn and stay updated with trends and best practices. Open-minded and collaborative in Problem-solving.

mayar deeb

Awesome Companies That I've Worked With


about my skills

What I do

I'm more than a developer, I'm a digital artisan. Creating immersive online experiences is my passion and calling. Explore below to see how I can bring value to your team.

Frontend Web Development:

I specialize in creating beautiful and functional web experiences is my specialty. Utilizing the latest technologies and best practices, I design and build websites that captivate and engage users.

Mobile App Development

I develop responsive and user-friendly mobile applications that run smoothly on both iOS and Android. I can manage every phase of the development process.

Technology Stack

I'm well-versed in the industry's most popular frontend technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, TypeScript, and frameworks like React, Next.js, and React Native.

Web Optimization

Performance is crucial. I optimize websites and apps for maximum speed, providing users with a fast and responsive experience. This not only enhances user satisfaction but also improves SEO rankings.

UI/UX Design

I care about the user experience, and I make sure that the UI/UX is intuitive and easy to use. collaborating with the designer is the key

Testing and Quality Assurance

I test and debug applications to guarantee a bug-free and secure environment for users. I use Jest, Playwright, cucumber, and cypress.

Frameworks That I've Used


Libraries That I've Worked with

Validation & Forms :

  • Yup

  • JOI

  • Zod

  • Formik

  • Hook Form

State Management :

  • Redux

  • Redux-toolkit

  • Zustand

  • Context Api

  • Rxjs

Maps :

  • Google Map

  • Mapbox

  • Baidu

  • Leaflet

  • Deck.js

  • 2gis

Ui-Web :

  • MUI

  • Ant-design

  • Mantine

  • Gluestack

  • Native-base

  • Tailwind

Ui-Mobile :

  • Gluestack

  • Native-base

  • React Native Paper

  • shopify/restyle

Communication :

  • React Query (Rest APi)

  • Apollo (Graph QL)

  • Socket.IO

  • Pusher

  • Fire base

Auth :

  • Next-Auth

  • Clerk

  • Fire base

  • JWT

Test :

  • Jest

  • Cypress

  • Playwright

Monorepo :

  • Lerna

  • Turbo

Others :

  • tRPC

  • Immer

  • Rxjs

  • Git

And I am always open to learn more...

Projects I'm Proud Of

I'm here to bring your web/mobile app ideas to life or give your it a fresh look. As a team player, I work collaboratively to achieve outstanding results.

Copax FLeet Management System

Copax FLeet Management System

Fleet management and tracking system, Allow you to track and control your vehicles in real-time. Provide all kinds of reports and analysis.

Stealth Startup, Services store

Stealth Startup, Services store

Service e-commerce platform that allows users to buy and sell services while focusing on anonymity and privacy.

Clomr, Boost Anesthesia Revenue

Clomr, Boost Anesthesia Revenue

Built for Anesthesia Groups and Billing Service Providers to streamline the entire anesthesia workflow.

Map Master

Map Master

Open-Sourced project that gives you the ability to use multiple 2D and 3D maps in one place using Deck.gl and Mapbox, Google maps, OpenStreetMap,2Gis and more.

My Resume

Highly skilled and creative Web Developer with 5+ years of experience in crafting visually stunning and functionally robust websites and web applications.

Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Software Engineering

Amazon Web Services Cloud Practitioner Certification

Arabic (Mother tongue) + English (Fluent)